Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Jovana, her sister and Janitza, mom Angelica and dad Luis were so much fun to shoot. Angelica was so prepared with her family and all the clothes and color combinations. BEAUTIFUL taste! GREAT job Angelica. Your home and its spirit is so warm and homey! I hold precious and dear a new friendship with you all. ;)


Monday, December 14, 2009

Ezra and Brian

Brian posing for me with the famous "Nicky" pose ;) Can't see the muscles under that jacket!!!

I took a few pictures of our Ez today at the Arboretum. Tonight when I was looking through them, Brian and I were amazed that we see a glimpse of what our little 3 year old may look like in about 10 years. He is growing up so fast. We love him and are caaaarrrraaaazzzzzeeee about this kid!!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Cox Family

This is the Cox Family of Rancho Cucamonga. What a cutie family. We had fun last Saturday shooting their family portraits at their home. You may notice the beautiful door that Nigel made. I LOVED it. Great craftsmanship Nigel. I just wanted to post a few of my favorites of this beautiful family. :D