Also, a blessing to work with this weekend were my mother in-law Irma and Sal, who brought COLOR to our studio photos. You both don't know this...but...you just stretched me a bit further than I thought I could go. Does that sound funny??? I AM GROWING as a studio photographer! Thank you both! You both have given me insight and COURAGE to shoot BOLDLY.
I LOVE THE COLORS you chose to wear...and confidently wear them!!! Those colorful photos will definatly be up on the website SOON! Check back. But for now, I love the composition of the pic I blogged of the 2 of you! Thanks for all your patience. I love you both!
Adam and Gina. The love and peace, gentleness and kindness of the LORD SHINES through you both! You both are as beautiful inside as out! Honestly, you 2 could make it in the modeling business...BIG TIME!!! Look forward to our Beach Session...soon!
Baby GAge...what a cutie pie! OK...Billie, you are like the BEST mom of a newborn I have ever been around and you inspire me greatly. It was such a blessing to spend the morning with Billie and Baby Gage.
You ALL were so much fun to photograph. I hope you and your families will be blessed for years to come once you recieve your photos. See you all soon! C